Seat of the political life of the city and of the Civic Museum, the Town Hall overlooks Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II.
Dating back to the thirteenth century, in reality it has been radically modified over the centuries. The current aspect mixes different architectural styles: the neoclassical façade (Brioni), the eclecticism of twentieth-century buildings (Sacconi and Bazzani), the liberty style of the interiors (Calcagnadoro), and the rationalism of the civic tower (Battistrada).

The Town Hall has a long and complex history that is the result of the stratification of numerous expansions and restructuring measures.
Half a century after the establishment of Rieti as a free municipality, in 1252 the extension of the urban structure was decreed through the construction of a wider boundary wall and the definition of the development area along Via del Corso – current Via Terenzio Varrone – via di Mezzo, via San Liberatore.
The buildings of the civil administration were erected at the edge of Piazza del Leone – now Piazza Oberdan – at the foot of the old city, perched on the travertine spur on which the buildings of the Sabine-Roman and early Middle Ages stood.

At the end of the fifteenth century, when the Alfani project failed, the survivors of the powerful family were exiled, undergoing the confiscation of property. The Municipality then moved to the ancient citadel, using the Alfani palace as its headquarters, then demolished in the 1930s for the  construction of the rationalist civic tower designed by Battistrada.
In the second half of the eighteenth century the building acquired its current appearance. The earthquake of 1898 seriously damaged the building which had to undergo restoration works.